Tinnitus Subtyping
Gateway Biotechnology is rapidly advancing new diagnostic tools and incorporating biomarkers into the design of our clinical trials.
Why Subtype Tinnitus?
Traditionally, all forms of tinnitus have been treated the same in many clinical trials. Yet we know that there may be many underlying pathologies associated with tinnitus suggesting different origins of the tinnitus percept and by extension, different therapies will need to be developed to address each subtype.
To better categorize tinnitus, we are taking a multi-faceted approach layering both improved diagnostic measures and novel biomarkers to better define the causes and symptoms of tinnitus. By matching a given therapy to a defined subtype of tinnitus, we expect to see improved outcomes in clinical trials where therapies are tailored to a specific patient profile.
Tinnitus Subtyping for Clinical Success
Assess Psychoacoustic Features
Gateway is analyzing psychoacoustic measures like pitch, loudness and temporal pattern to characterize tinnitus subtypes based on these objective measures.
Identification of Blood Molecular Markers
We are developing molecular assays based on miRNA and metabolic profiling in blood samples to define tinnitus subtypes.
Identify Non-Invasive Functional Biomarkers
We utilize comprehensive audiometric data (e.g. pure tone audiometry, ABR, ECochG), EEG and fMRI to identify features associated with tinnitus subtypes using AI-guided predictions.
Identify Genetic Signatures Associated with Tinnitus Subtypes
Patient DNA samples can be sequenced to identify variation in genes associated with tinnitus.